School News

Register throughout the summer. School starts on Tuesday, September 3.

All OCSB elementary schools are closed throughout the summer. Register for school using our online form. If you have questions, contact our Admissions Department by email at or by phone at 613-228-3338.

Weekly Newsletters

Please click here to access our weekly newsletters.

Opt in for School Messenger

Opt in to receive emails

Dear parents,

To receive all types of email messages, you must opt in. Otherwise, we will only send you emergency and attendance email messages. (Families with children in our Board since 2017 and who had previously provided Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation(CASL) consent will receive General messages.)

You can opt in by creating an account with SchoolMessenger and choosing your contact preferences for each type of message. To receive any emails sent by the school, your preference must be set to “yes” for General Messages. To receive any emails that may be sent by your child's teacher, your preference must be set to “yes” for Teacher-to-Parent Messaging.

Create your SchoolMessenger account

Have questions?

If you are having difficulty creating your parent account, please email the OCSB at

Register for Kindergarten!

If you have or know of a child who was born in 2020, they are eligible to begin Kindergarten in September!  Check out our Welcome to Kindergarten link to see how to register!  Please contact the school if you have any questions. We would be happy to answer any questions or offer a tour if you are new to the St. Clare community.

Links to Register

Please be sure to register for the following:  SchoolMessenger and School Cash. You will see those at the bottom of our website along with Parent Portal where you find report cards. If your child takes the bus please sign up for the emails on OSTA under the parent tab you can sign up for emails 

School Calendar

Board News & Information

Click the slide to learn more

Elementary - Board news & information